Glass Sand

1. Identification of substance/preparation and company
Company: ECOSCREED TRADING LTD, Old Mill Quarry, Beith, Ayrshire KA15 1HY
Tel :07836582033
Product: Crushed , washed and screened glass cullet for use in screeding operations Post industrial and consumer recycled glass which has been crushed to form cullet, screened and washed.
Use as sand aggregate in flowing screeds and tile adhesives.
Hazard Information
2. Composition/information on ingredients. Crushed and screened glass sand dust is largely comprised of amorphous silica and as such is not regarded as specifically toxic and is not assigned a specific Workplace.
Exposure Limit. Glass is made up of a number of metal silicates including alumino silicates.
3. Hazards identification. The material is non-toxic. Inhalation of significant quantities may cause irritation to the respiratory tract. Physical contact with the material may cause minor cuts and abrasions to skin and eyes.
Emergency Action
4. First aid measures
Crushed and Screened Glass Sand:
4.1 Eye contact: Glass dust in the eye may cause permanent damage. Irrigate the eye with water and obtain medical attention.
4.2 Skin contact: Cuts and scratches should be attended to immediately. Contact with glass dust could cause skin irritation. Obtain medical attention where appropriate.
4.3 Ingestion: Physical damage is possible when swallowed. Obtain medical attention immediately if this happens.
4.4 Inhalation: The dust is biologically inert, but may cause minor respiratory tract discomfort. Drink plenty of fluids if this occurs.
5. Fire fighting measures This material is non-flammable and not prone to explosion.
6. Accidental release measures All users of this material should be regularly trained in its use and should be referred to this COSHH DATA SHEET before use. All personal protective equipment should be maintained and fit for purpose (See 8.2).
7. Storage & handling
Where material is stored in large volumes and cannot be contained, it is recommended that dry materials should be wetted before handling.
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
8.1 Wear Suitable Personal Protection: Long term Workplace Exposure Limits (8 hour TWA) are detailed in the HSE Guidance Note EH40 for amorphous silica of 6mg/m3 inhalable dust and 2.4 mg/m3 respirable dust.
8.2 Personal Protective Equipment:
a. Respiratory Protection: Where dust levels are likely to approach the workplace exposure limits wear suitable respiratory protection (HSE approved standard).
b. Hand and Skin Protection: Overalls and gloves should be used to prevent contamination of the skin.
c. Eye Protection: Eye protection to BS EN 1664-4 should be used to prevent dust entering the eyes.
Product Information
9. Physical & chemical properties
Odourless particles of solid crushed glass.
Other chemical properties not applicable under ambient conditions.
10. Stability & reactivity
Conditions contributing to chemical instability: None
Hazardous decomposition products: None
Special precautions: None
11.Toxicological information
Not regarded as specifically toxic.
a. Eye contact: Glass dust in the eye may cause permanent damage. Irrigate the eye with water and obtain medical attention.
b. Skin: Cuts and scratches should be attended to immediately. Contact with glass dust could cause skin irritation. Obtain medical attention where appropriate.
c. Ingestion: Physical damage is possible when swallowed. Obtain medical attention immediately if this happens.
d. Inhalation: The dust is biologically inert, but may cause minor respiratory tract discomfort. Drink plenty of fluids if this occurs.
12. Ecological information - There are no significant hazards from this product at ambient temperatures.
13. Disposal considerations This material does not contain any contaminants that would cause harm to the environment and therefore can be disposed via the normal routes. However, uncontaminated material can be recycled and can therefore be categorised as being environmentally friendly.
Additional Information
14. Transport information
Not hazardous. Classification for conveyance – not required.
15. Regulatory information Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations.
Classification: Not classified as dangerous for supply in the UK.
16. Legislation & Other Information
- Health & Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations 2004
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
- HSE Guidance Note EH40 (Workplace Exposure Limits)
- Any authorised manual on First Aid by St.John’s/St. Andrews/Red Cross
- Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended) Prepared in accordance with UK REACH Competent Authority Information Leaflet 13 - REACH and SDS - May 2008.
Guidance References
Available from HMSO, HSE area offices, or local authority Environmental Health Departments:
- EH40/: Workplace Exposure Limits
- A step-by-step guide to COSHH Assessment (HS[G]97)
- Dust, General Principles of Protection (EH44)
IMPORTANT NOTES: The purpose of this datasheet is to provide Health, Safety and Environmental guidance on the safe handling, use and disposal of Glass Cullet supplied by subsidiary or affiliate companies of ECOSCREED in the United Kingdom. The information contained in this datasheet is correct at the date of, and applies only in relation to, the supply of material referred to in the delivery docket to which this datasheet is attached and forms part. This datasheet should alert purchasers and/or users to the usual hazards in handling the supplied material when using it within the ordinary range of uses for which such material is normally supplied. If you have purchased or arranged the supply on behalf of a third party who will work with the material supplied it is your duty to pass this information on to them BEFORE such work commences. For the avoidance of doubt the datasheet DOES NOT constitute the user's own assessment of workplace risk as may be required by other safety legislation and nothing herein shall be construed or relied upon as relieving the purchaser, user or any intermediate supplier or third party from any statutory or other legal duty which may apply to them or from taking care or precautions to protect themselves or others to whom they owe a duty of care. The datasheet should not be relied upon for any other purpose including without limitation any technical or design purpose, nor relied upon in the use or handling of any other product whether supplied by ECOSCREED or not. Reliance placed on any part or all of the information contained in this datasheet which goes beyond the purpose set out above is entirely at the user’s own risk.
Without limiting or restricting the terms and conditions upon which the material has been supplied by ECOSCREED, to the extent permitted by law, disclaims all liability arising directly or indirectly from the content or preparation of this datasheet and users of the material do so at their own risk.